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Women's Groups

We women are born free, curious, and joyful. As little girls, we love running around, moving our bodies, dreaming, creating art, and cooking up weird concoctions in our kitchen or our imaginations. We’re proud of our achievements… being good at math or getting an A on our spelling test, singing or playing an instrument, excelling at a sport—it all builds us up.  Then bam! And everything changes! Our enculturation into the media and advertising of the greater world insidiously pits us against ourselves and one another to live up to impossible standards of beauty and success.

To change this and change the world, women need women.  When women connect, love, support, and have each other’s back, look out!

Being Part of a Women’s Group will help you… 

  • Identify and let go of old behavioral patterns that no longer serve you

  • Figure out and practice new and healthy boundaries for yourself

  • Learn to have healthy confrontations and deal with conflict effectively and powerfully

  • Deepen and create new fulfilling relationships

  • Live more intention and have a deep sense of purpose in your life

  •  Feel safety, love, connection, comfort, and support with other women!

The Santa Monica Counseling Center provides individual, couples, or family therapy, depending on your needs.

Santa Monica Counseling Center

1460 7th Street, Ste. 206, Santa Monica, CA 90401